Piedāvājam Jūsu Cat®tehnikai sekojošus servisa pakalpojumus:
- Tehniskās apkopes
- Garantijas un pēc garantijas remonti
- Dzinēju, hidraulikas, elektroiekārtu un ritošās daļas diagnostikas
- Eļļas paraugu analīze S.O.S programma (eļļas maiņas intervālu pagarināšanai, savlaicīgai defektu atklāšanai)
- Kāpurķēžu posmu nomaiņa
- Metinātāja pakalpojumi
- Hidrocilindru izjaukšana, blīvējumu maiņa, salikšana (max. garums līdz 10m)
- Tehnikas sagatavošana uzglabāšanai (sīkāku informāciju skat. zemāk)
Driving to customers
It is alsways convenient for customer, when to prepare maintenance wokrs we come right to the place, where machine is actually working: construction places, mines, fields, etc. To make it happen, we have 7 service bus / mobile workshop fleet. Everytime our maintenance specialist is going to customer, he has laptop with all necessary Caterpillar programs installed – that helps quickly make diagnostics and identify technical problem of a machine. If necessary, our specialist will place an order for all necessary spare parts right away.
We have workshops in three cities: Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda.
All bigger repair works (overhauls, rennovations, etc.) are performed in our repair facilities. Right now we have three repair and maintenance facilities for Cat machines in Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda.